Is It All Over?

I don't know where you, the reader, live. I live near a huge military base. Normally, this makes me feel quite safe. Any sort of terrorist attack would be least effective in a town like this, so that gives me a sort of peace of mind. For this reason and others I choose to live here but it comes with a few inconveniences. One such issue is that drills must be run with the planes. So there is a lot of jet noise. Sometimes, the jets fly really close to where I am. The ground rumbles, and as the planes descend I can hear that familiar cartoon whistle; like Wile E. Coyote falling from a cliff. At times like this, I hear the deafening roar and the falling whistle; I am struck with a vision of horror. What if the plane crashes right here? What if it's all over? After experiencing it the first time, it has at least crossed my mind ever since. What if that which is supposed to protect us destroys us? What if my life is over due to an error? A miscalibration? A terrorist attack?
